Dante’s (towering) Inferno

10 men conquered the first ever running of Dante’s Towering Inferno (patent pending).WARMORAMA Joggy jog with Frankensteins around the grass patch out front. Mosey to the basement for:Slow Deep Squat x10icSlow Deep Merican x10icBig Arm Circles…no more time to waste if we want to complete the newest WIB.DANTE’S INFERNO-Level 1, 5 Burpees, run to level 2, 10 Mericans, run back to level 1.-5 Burpees, run to level 2, 10 Mericans, run to level 3, 15 Jump Squats, Run back to level 2, 10 Mericans, back to level 1.-Continue this trend progressing to the next level each round stopping at each level every time you pass (going up or down) to do the prescribed exercises explained below. 5 Burpees10 Mericans15 Jump Squats20 CDDs25 LBCs30 Mountain Climbers35 SSH’sGrand total reps:35 Burpees90 Mericans135 Jump Squats120 CDDs125 LBCs90 Mountain Climbers35 SSH’sRECOVER, RECOVER (I’m not sure how we finished exactly in time)MOLESKIN-This WIB is a smoker. I hope it sticks and others try it purely or with alterations. -I tried to keep the pax together as best as I could, but Macbeth and Mr. Holland were BEASTING this morning. Nice work men.-Stray was trash talking on the interwebs about my tricking him into tough workouts, but he didn’t show. Waiting to hear a valid excuse.-Blackbeard skipped stretch Armstrong to join in the fun. I hope it was worth his while. I do know he tried celebrating after with LOTS OF COFFEE.-It was a great time hanging with Jimmy O, Frontier and The Force (or, actually, trying to keep up with them)
