Davidson Parking Lot Tour

Event Date

Jan 07, 2016


PAX:  Wozers, with 38 total on my 2nd ever Q, I don’t remember everyone's nick name, but very good turnout from a great cross section of the Davidson Pax!

Warm-up – SSH x 15; Imp Wlkr x15; Merkin x10; calf stretch; walk it up to leg stretches – R/L lunge, runners stretch; arm circles, arm stretches, windmill. 

Count off by 2’s – I took 1’s and Grillz got the 2’s. 

Run to the WDAV Radio parking lot & plank it up.  Carolina Dry Dock x10; LBC x30; Hip Thrusters x15; Rosalita x20; WWII Sit-ups x15; Low Flutter x30.  All IC.

Run to Sadler Square parking lot & plank it up (low plank) in front of Healthy Home Market.  Diamond Merkins x15 IC – 2x shuttle run b/t where we were and the other side of the parking lot.  Jane Fonda x10 IC right side; 10x IC left side – 2x shuttle run.  Freddy Mercury x20 IC – 2x shuttle run. 

Run to Post Office parking lot & plank it up.  Wide Grip Merkins x15 IC; Squat x15 IC; Monkey Humpers x10 IC; Jump Around x15 IC.

Run to Summit parking lot & plank it up.  Heels to Heaven x15 IC; One leg out LBC x10 IC right leg out & 10x IC left leg out; Alternating Lunges x10 IC; Side Lunges x10 IC.

Run to Fire Station Parking Lot (no need to plank) – 7 burpies OYO.

Run up hill to Town Hall steps – Alternating Step Ups x10 IC; Incline Merkins x8 IC; Decline Merkins x8 IC.

Run back to Green & meet up with Grillz’s & Devo’s AES group for Mary. 

See Devo’s Back Blast for COT details. 

No Moleskin here as when I read that in Devo’s, my first thought was of something else and I’m still recovering from it.  File it with Monkey Humpers…      

Greatly appreciated the opportunity to Q & all the PAX sticking with it!