Day 4 of “Why Not” Continues at the Dragon Slayer

Event Date

Mar 16, 2017

Day 4 of "Why Not" Continues at Dragon Slayer…

Also in attendance Jorts who is not signed up.

The Dragon Slayer is a KB workout and KB workout it would be.  Thankfully, the temperature finally warmed up to a balmy 28 F.  5:30 struck and off we went.  Our story went like this:


20 – SSH IC

10 – IST IC

10 – Cotton Pickers IC

10 – Mercans


The Thang:

All exercises were done IC unless noted. 

20 – ¾ KB swings OYO

20 – Full KB swings OYO

20 – Alternating KB Arm Swings (10 Each Arm) OYO


20 – Mason Twist with KB OYO


10 – Curtsies with overhead KB swing

20 – Thrusters OYO

15 – Skull Crushers


20 – V-ups w/ bell


10 – Single arm swings with lunge (Left Arm)

10 – Single arm swings with lunge (Right Arm)

20 – Torso swings with lunge


20 – LBC


20 – Bent over row IC

10 – Lawn Mower right hand IC

10 – Lawn Mower left hand IC


20 – WWII with KB


10 – Right arm snatches

10 – Left arm snatches

15 – Curls IC


20 – Low flutter IC


Mosey over to the hill for some ladder work.

Quadraphilia up the hill, 20 Mercans

Back down the hill, 5 thrusters w/ bell.

Repeat-O, decreasing by 5 at the top and adding 5 at the bottom.


Put your KB back and mosey to the front of the church and stop at the wall. 

25 – Irish “River dance/wall toe touch”



30 second plank


Recover, recover…



Thank you men for showing up on this frigid morning.  Especially all the kind folks from McCauly.  It was pointed out that had the McCauly crew not shown up today I would have only been working out with Ty Webb.  So thank you Ty Webb for choosing Dragon Slayer.  The curtsies were a crowd favorite once again.  Bam Bam looked completely lost as well as Over Budget.  These guys are beasts and can crush any workout, but make them do a curtsy with a KB and they look completely lost.  We had some stranger dangers running by our workout this morning which was weird, but the worst part was they were trying to steal Baxter!  Thankfully Baxter came back to his rightful owner.  Bunyan, strong work as usual, I don’t know where you get your speed, but you don’t run like your age.  Way to keep up with Ty Webb and Bam Bam on those laps.  Nice work Iron City.  Much respect.  Thank you all for holding me accountable.  I couldn’t do it without F3 Nation.  I finish up my week of “Why Not” at The Foundry tomorrow.  Hopefully more than just McCauly will come out. 

Until next time, see you in da gloom…