Dazed and Confused

Event Date

Dec 22, 2016


8 posted to perfect SVU weather.  Quick warm up, then on to lots of fun.    

Warm up:

15 SSH

15 Merkins IC-CopperHead-IC

10 CopperHead Squats

Shoulder circles; big and small with self-love hugs

Jog up small hill to start.

The Thing 1:  Partner-up for some Push/Pull work

  1. Partner #1 pushes #2 down Ashe Hollow – Switch-o back

  2. 3 Burpees

  3. Partner #1 pulls #2 down Ashe Hollow – Switch-o back

  4. 3 Burpees

  5. Partner #1 pushes (back-to-back) #2 down Ashe – Switch-o back

  6. 3 Burpees

Back to parking lot

3 minutes – Low Plank (Reflection delivered during this)

The Thing #2:  Back to Playground for Multiple Meat Grinder

3 guys working a Seesaw rotation

3 guys working Quad lifts with blocks

2 guys doing Pull-ups and Merkins


Repeat-O of above set


Next rotation is:

5 guys on Washboard

3 guys on Pole Sit-ups


Mary: worked in with planks and sit-ups


Regret and Depression live in the past.  You can’t drive a car looking in the rearview mirror, and you can’t set your life’s direction focusing on regrets.

Also, fear and anxiety are residents of the future.  But you can not view any events of the future with accuracy, because they exist absent of the grace of God.  God’s grace is only available in the present.  Right here, right now.  This Holiday season with homes filled with family and friends, I pray you all enjoy the present.  The laughter, the food, the true spirit of Christmas and God’s love and grace.  You can worry about the future tomorrow.


Mole Skin:

  • Q was looking for even numbers, and Ziplock makes it happen.  Representing the ‘stangers well.

  • Partner up, size matters.  So Skipper picks Abrams???

  • Rotating through a meat grinder should not be hard. #Dazedandconfused

  • It was exceptionally dark this morning, or Q is going blind?  If you were called the wrong name, my apologies.

  • Pole jokes continued, how long will it last?

  • Thanks for the opportunity.  Good fun and memories made at SVU today.

Respectfully Submitted,

Light Bulb