Dazed and Confused

Event Date

Jun 27, 2018

Billy Bob and YHC started things off right with a 2nd F pace standard.  I was probably talking too much, but It's great to get to know new pax.  I should have been breathing more though… it's hard in this thick air!

Finally, the maintenace guys mowed the grass at Grand Oak.  There seemed to be a smell of another type of freshly cut grass as we were getting the blocks.  Don't call the cops yet, as there was much discussion on the type of weed it could have been… I heard Hog Weed… let's hope so.  Not that YHC had any idea of that kind of stuff.

Just like the workout, let's get to it…


  • SSH 20 IC
  • CP 10 IC
  • WM 10 IC
  • TS 10 IC
  • Arm Circle F/R
  • Mountain Climber 10 IC

The Thang

  • Black Jack
    • 20 Merkins
    • Run 40 yards
    • 1 LBC
    • Repeato reducing merkins by 1 and increasing LBCs by 1 – adds up to 21 each time ðŸ˜‰
  • Blocks
    • Curl 15 IC
    • Skull Crusher 15 IC
    • Lawn Mower 15 R/L
    • Shoulder Press 15 IC
    • Upright Row 15 IC
    • Chest Press 15 IC
    • Blockee 5 OYO
  • Partner Run/Farmer Carry
    • P1 runs a lap on the track in parking lot
    • P2 Farmer Carry 2 blocks around the track
    • Flip Flop when P1 catches P2
    • One full lap complete
  • Planter Work
    • Dips 15 IC
    • Box Jump Burpee 10 OYO


  • Plank for 50 seconds


  • Nice work by everyone!  YHC was pretty sore the next day.
  • Caboose won the pot as he was the first to finish Blackjack, so for the rest of us losers, we just went on to the blocks.  It would be 210 pushups in total if completed… Total = (n*(n+1))/2 Thanks for the reminder Roadie
  • Bunyan, YHC and others will be ready to cut up some trees with you for a guys retreat!
