Dazed and Confused

Event Date

Jul 07, 2023


6 of the fastest pax in Isotope avoided all convergences and got an FKTish beatdown at Odyssey. Here is their story:

Matlock met The Standard like a ninja in the night. Cubicle saw hard running and burpees and was in. Nacho checked out Emmaus and realized it would be way too easy over there and high tailed it to Odyssey. He then convinced Smoke and the good doctor that Shakeweight was soft and they should get after it this morning. Not the 6 pax we thought would show but the 6 pax we needed. 

Hard run to Arnies. We ran a three stop circuit with 2 parking lot laps and a trip up Devonshire hill with Bulgarian split squats, burpees, and tarantulas at each stop, respectively. 4 rounds was plenty in that soup. Then jailbreak to Summit. 

Good to meet Cubicle. He is primed and ready for FKT. Tuesdays. 0530. Summit Birkdale. LFG. Matlock has found his role with the GBs. Everyone does their part. Thanks brother. Perrier and Smokey killed Shakeweight. Strong. Nacho is intrigued about checking out Feast Friday for his second beatdown of the day. Tough job but someone has to do it.

Thanks to Hoodie for the opportunity to Q at Odyssey this morning. Thanks to the LFC men’s ministry for the EH (email headlock in my case) and to the pax for the constant encouragement and motivation. All these convergences have the pax dazed and confused. Don’t worry, Odyssey has got you and will keep being awesome. Until the next time…