13 for Friday the 13th for Deep Dish's KBVQ.  Here's what transpired:
10 Toy Soldiers IC
10 Cotton Pickers IC
Arm circles 
6 exercises with the following progression: 20, 12, 10, 8, 5, 3 (all IC) for a total of 116 reps.
Skull crushers, Curls, Bent over rows, Squat to Overhead press, Chest press, Calf raises
After each exercise, run down to end of parking lot and back.
Rosalita Deep Dish
Dying Coackroach Holiday
J Lo Amen
Hand release Merican The Count
X's and O's Olive
Recover, recover
The 116 reps is no special number, I just made an adjustment after what seemed to be an overbold initial plan.  
Starting off with 20 reps IC was not a crowd pleaser.  Please see my #pb.  I said it wouldn't be fun.  I quickly changed the next set to 12 based on all the groaning. I guess I could have inserted 15 in the middle and left the 3 off the end, but oh well, the end count is the same.
Kudos to Ultraman for another inspiring effort.  He hasn't let the injury get in his way.  Nice work!

Glad I was on the other side of the circle from Amen.  During J Lo something happened that shouldn't be put in print.  I'm sure Holiday enjoyed the privelege of being directly downwind.

Thanks to The Count for the opportunity to lead, and thanks to the PAX for a strong performance. 

Deep Dish