Death By Kettlebell

Event Date

Jan 03, 2017

Seven (7) valiant men beat the fartsack and posted to The Rock.  It was a soggy workout due to sweat and rain but a balmy 45 degrees.



20 Mountain Climbers IC

20 Soybean Farmer IC


The Thang: All Exercises are “KB-assisted” unless otherwise posted

Round 1

20 Swings oyo

20 Bent-over rows (right side) oyo

20 Bent-over rows (left side) oyo

10 Merkins IC – Rest your Bells

10 Clean-squat-press (right side) IC

10 Clean-squat-press (left side) IC

10 WWII Sit-ups IC

20 Bottoms-up, lunge and press (up to 10 on each side) oyo

1 Long-oval recovery lap

Round 2

20 Swings oyo

20 Upright rows IC

10 Merkins IC – Rest your Bells

10 Clean-squat-press (right side) IC

10 Clean-squat-press (left side) IC

10 WWII Sit-ups IC

20 Bottoms-up, lunge and press (up to 10 on each side) oyo

1 Long-oval recovery lap

Round 3

20 Swings oyo

20 Skull Crushers IC (thank you for the suggestion Cupcake)

10 Merkins IC

20 Bent-over rows (right side) oyo

20 Bent-over rows (left side) oyo

10 Clean-squat-press (right side) IC

10 Clean-squat-press (left side) IC

10 WWII Sit-ups IC

20 Bottoms-up, lunge and press (up to 10 on each side) oyo

1 Long-oval recovery lap


 Mary: All Exercises are “KB-assisted” unless otherwise posted


20 Mason Twists IC


Much thanks to the PAX for braving the soggy weather to support YHC in my first post serving as the Master Q.  Also major props to all for hanging tough through a difficult workout.  We groped our way in the dark through a couple of new exercises.  T-claps to @ticktock for the incredible form on the “bottoms-up” portion of the exercise.  Not too much mumble chatter this morning.  I’m looking forward to serving you as your Master Q on Tuesdays.