Decimals Don’t Count

Despite the Jolly-esque #f3counts tweet, there were officially 9 pax in attendance at the ruck I had planned while Jolly was DR. Three of the ruckers assembled at 0530 for a 2-ish mile standard (THM, FP, Mooch). The route I had mapped out went north on Main St before venturing into Centennial, crossing Mt Holly Huntersville and wandering through Vermillion before passing the cemetery and returning to Main Street Coffee. The Garmin app claimed the route was 4.1 miles. Only as we were wrapping up did I realize we would clock 4.5-ish miles.

Now that I am reviewing the map, I see where we went off course by staying on Vanguard to Blackstone instead of veering off on Drake Hill. Cobains for the .5 mile error!

course map


  • The soon-to-be Nantan Emeritus texted me at 0550 to say he was coming in hot, although there was no way to know how far out he was at the time (he rolled in at 0559).
  • Big Mean is clearly scared that the Pack will once again trounce his team on their home field as he opted not to post with Pierogi
  • THM and FreePass were non-plussed that they had to hold up for the six several times in order to hear the directions. Once in Vermillion, we never saw them again
  • Gang Green joined Capone to offer crossfit support
  • Mooch and Pierogi offered helpful advice to shorten the route and get us back in time for coffee, but the Q had blinders on
  • Rumor is that Pierogi left in disgust, never to return #cobains
  • Sweet C joined us just long enough for coffee to earn the right to keep his F3 sticker on the truck
  • There was a Calypso sighting. Some enjoyable nerd talk ensued
  • Most of the speed ruckers were gone by the time the main group returned; the rest left once they knew we were OK
  • Thanks to Mooch for hanging out a bit longer to discuss cars, check out the female coffee drinkers, and risk an argument with the mask nazis
  • I have another “4-ish mile” route planned for the next time Jolly is DR. I expect everyone (except maybe Pierogi) to return!

