
Event Date

Jul 15, 2020

0500 – YHC and Qbert met for the standard.0530 – Forrest joined us and we went to the basement. Disclaimer was given – warmup commenced.• SSH x 25 IC • Windmill x 10 IC The Deck Thang – grab 2 blocks• Incline merican x 15 IC (blocks upright, hands on each block and chest down level with hands)Farmers carry to next level• Incline merican x 15 IC • OH press x 10 IC Farmers carry to next level• Incline merican x 15 IC • OH press x 10 IC • Curl x 15 IC Farmers carry to next level• Skull crusher x 15 IC Farmers carry to next level• Skull crusher x 15 IC • calf raises x 10 IC (each leg)Farmers carry up stairs to avoid CG• squats x 15 IC • calf raises x 10 IC (each leg)• skull crushers x 15 IC Farmers carry down the stairs to avoid CG• calf raises x 10 IC (each leg)• skull crushers x 15 IC Farmers carry down a level• skull crushers x 15 IC Farmers carry down a level• curls x 15 IC • OH press x 10 IC• incline merican x 15 IC Farmers carry down a level• OH press x 10 IC• incline merican x 15 IC Farmers carry down a level• incline merican x 15 IC Put up blocks.Mary – 60 seconds of low flutterRECOVER. RECOVER.Moleskine• YHC promised to do 50 burpees if Caboose posted. He did not cash in this morning.• the Incline Mericans were not your grandpas incline mericans. Absolutely brutal stuff.• Qbert danced for CG folks leaving.-CB