Deepend Begins Swamp Fox Training

Three pax arrived for the standard Ruck to prepare for Apehangers impending weekend of debauchery.  They arrived back at 5:29:59 no matter what anyone else tells you.


Mozy to the "middle" for windmill, hillbilly, cotton/cherry picker, toy soldier

Much consternation as to the geometric shape of our warm-o gathering

Equal group dismay as to the correct technique and overall speed of toy soldiers.  YHC was concerned enough to research this and much to my delight, one of my favorite warm ups is actually called the Hairy Rockette!  Expect it to be a staple of all of my future Qs.

The Thang

Mozy down to the bottom of Gasoline Alley.  Farther than we've ever congregated before.  Into the dark recesses of Race City USA.  

5 exercises x10 OYO- WWII, merkins, squats, LBC, dry docks

Run back up to the inappropriately named middle for same 5 exercises

Repeato x4

Complaints from Chief and Motorboat about the # of exercises so we stopped on the mozy back for Merkin Curb Crawl.  1 merkin, bear crawl across street, 2 merkins, bear crawl back up to 5.  Sucks.

Mozy home for Mary led by various pax called upon by the Q

Nekkid Man Moleskin

YHC called on London Whale hoping for J-Los but was denied

Bonanza thinks a merkin is mary.  Mary Merkin?  Please discuss

Welcome Lego to RCUSA as we try to make him a hill person.  He needs a 115 sweatshirt

Pink Slip doesn't swing his arms, but he's sneaky fast and always near the front

I turn the keys over to Pyle for next week.  He likes running too.

No board members were injured or even present during this workout

Deepend's first day of Swamp Fox training is officially complete!

We've still got room for 3 more Swamp Foxers

Cheers, Cheez Whiz