DEF Field Manual Workout

Event Date

Mar 28, 2019


3 men joined me out for fun workout, borrowed from one of my favorite books, D.E.F. Field Manual.


1. Big Hill Run. 2. SSH 15 IC.  3. I.S. Walkers 15 IC.  4. Cotton Pickers.  5. Quad and Ham Stretching

The Thang:

First Set:  1. 5 sets of max pullups, attempting to maintain the max number of the first set, with rest as needed.  2. Two minutes of Max Situps.  3.  Big Hill Run, supposed to be a sprint but my "sprint" is more akin to a mosey.

Second Set: 1. 5 Sets of Max Pushups, maintaining reps.  2.  Two minutes of leg raised, 10 to 45 to 90 and back.  3.  2 minutes of Max Burpee's

Third Set:  1.  5 sets of Max Carolina Dry Docks.  2. Two minutes of V-ups.  


1. Arm Haulers, 1  minute. 2. LBC's to finish up


Reflection: Jeremiah 29:11

For the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Make sure that you always have a mission, large and small.  Keep moving forward and look to help others in need and be brave enough to ask how others are doing.  Help other find a mission and keep fighting and pushing forward.

Thank for your your hard work and thank you for allowing me to lead.
