Defeating the fartsack and returning to the gloom when the time strikes

Event Date

May 21, 2020


Four men joined at Fission and put some strong work in. Hollywood and I started promptly at 5:30. Later joined by Soprano and Moses.


Here is how the workout unfolded:


Mosey 3x down and back the length of the sidewalk by the gymnasium.


25x IC SSH

20x IC mountain climbers 

15x OYO jump squats

10x OYO Apollo Ohno’s 

5x OYO burpees 


Mosey to benches in front of school 


Dips 25x IC

Squats 25x IC

Merkins 25x IC

LBCs 25x IC


Step Ups 10x per leg OYO

Makhtar N’Diaye onto bench 10x IC

Side plank Jane Fonda 10x IC per leg


Dips 20x IC

Squats 20x IC

Merkins 20x IC

LBCs 20x IC


Step Ups 10x per leg OYO

Makhtar N’Diaye onto bench 10x IC

Side plank Jane Fonda 10x IC per leg


Dips 15x IC

Squats 15x IC

Merkins 15x IC

LBCs 15x IC


Step Ups 10x per leg OYO

Makhtar N’Diaye onto bench 10x IC

Side plank Jane Fonda 10x IC per leg


Dips 10x IC

Squats 10x IC

Merkins 10x IC

LBCs 10x IC


Step Ups 10x per leg OYO

Makhtar N’Diaye onto bench 10x IC

Side plank Jane Fonda 10x IC per leg


Dips 5x IC

Squats 5x IC

Merkins 5x IC

LBCs 5x IC


Step Ups 10x per leg OYO

Makhtar N’Diaye onto bench 10x IC

Side plank Jane Fonda 10x IC per leg


Mosey from front of school into Weatherstone neighborhood to base of hill.

Quadraphilia up hill to first of 5 trees. 10x wide arm merkins. Sprint to next tree and repeat 10x wide arm merkins at each of tree. Sprint from last tree back to front of school.


Once back at front of school, circle up for a quick Mary.


The W 15x IC (Moses)

Little baby extensions 15x IC (Soprano)


Recover Recover







Thanks to Hollywood, Soprano, and Moses for joining me this morning. 


My takeaway message from today’s workout was that time doesn’t matter. Coming to an F3 workout is about the camaraderieWho cares what time you show up. Yes we will bust your ass for showing up late. But at the end, we are coming to better ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually. So remember the brotherhood is here for you no matter what time you need them. 


Until next time,

Cousin Eddie