Deja Vu

FNG-1 is Mr. Belding; FNG-2 is Export

Nathan Becker(?) Bubbles from Raleigh joined us, but I do not know how to add him as a PAX.


  1. 20 SSH
  2. Windmills 
  3. Toy Soldiers x10
  4. Right over Left
  5. Left over Right

The Thang

  1. 5 Laps around the parking lot with stations
  2. 20 tricep dips
  3. 10 Derkins
  4. 20 jump squats
  5. 20 step ups (two is one)
  6. 5 burpees


  1. 15 LBC's
  2. 10 Pretzel crunches right and left
  3. 10 Freddie Mercury


Clark got a sense of Deja Vu at the start of the workout. Bubbles from Raleigh rolled on the scene and was a blessing to have join us. Mr. Belding was smoking everyone. It is always good to have DocSwayze keep his clothes on. I always love watching Pax go back and bring their brothers in. That is cool.


I challenged all of us to think about how we approach God. The Bible tells us that He (Jesus) is able to do abundantly more than what we ask or think. Are we selling ourselves short with God? What are bringing to Him for prayer? There are many struggles in this life and opportunities for us to get discouraged and frustrated. Do we trust the Lord to work good in those times? Do we even ask him to? Think about that in your life. Always a blessing to Q some really great men!

