Delinquent Behavior & Noncompliance

16 Pax showed up in strong at #TheEstate this morning. Read about it here:


Mosey to the rock pile and grab one that spoke to your soul. Zamperini to the basketball courts.

Warmarama at base/checkpoint:

-Slow Windmill x10

-Lil Professor/Long Snapper/Dwight Schrute/Slippery Dip Can/Soap Locator/d Carrot Pullers x10

-ISTs x 20 (40)

-Toy Soldiers x10 (20)

-SSH x35 (70)

The Thang:

Two buckets were placed 60 yards apart. One at base was empty and the other full of 40 tennis balls (20 various beat downs written on them with two balls of each excercise). The goal was to transfer as many as possible back to the empty bucket at base before recover, recover. The entire Pax would run from the empty bucket at base to the full one at the 60 yard point. One Pax grabbed a ball and then all Pax sprinted back to base and dropped it in the empty bucket. Before running again, all Pax would do the exercise and # of reps listed on the ball.

We did the following:

-20 chest press x2

-20 WW II’s x2

-10 reverse lunges with rock x2

-20 Mtn Climbers x2

-20 low flutters x2

-20 curls x2

-20 skull crushers x2

-20 Freddy Mercury’s x2

-10 squat jump x2

-20 plank jacks x2

-20 overhead press x2

-20 inchworms x2

-20 chest press x2

-20 ‘Mericans x2

-20 LBC’s x2

-40 calf raises x2

-1 island lap x2

-20 MH’s x2

-10 burpees x2

-20 pickle pounder x2

A lotta reps and lotta running occurred. YHC had planned to have burpee penalties for each ball remaining, but that wasn’t necessary as we cleared the bucket. However, due to the delinquent and noncompliant behavior of the Pax, 10 burpee demerits were still issued.

Recover, Recover



There was a lot of ball handling today. Congrats to Crocs, Turnpike, and Tantrum for completing the Triple Down today. Camelback, Walkie Talkie, 66, Frogger, and YHC completed the Double Down. It was great having FNG Joel with us today. This was FNG Kamil’s 2nd post, so he was named. He shall henceforth be known as “Baby Shark”. Kudos to Something for EHing him. I couldn’t find Walkie Talkie in the system, but he was present and accounted for. Tantrum and Rodeo kept trying to sneak extra balls from one bucket to the other and also move the buckets closer together. Elmers used his hockey skills to try to check YHC when he tried to intervene and stop their delinquent and noncompliant behavior for what they thought was a diabolically genius plan. 66 followed the rules and led the Pax on each round. Croc burned a lot of Caleries today. Baller wanted more ‘Mericans. He said he always does 100/day. Must be a mid-life crisis now that he’s hit the 40YO milestone. Turnpike let Tantrum borrow his preferred rock (boulder) for a few reps. Rodeo just used his pebble while the rest of us used our rocks. Out Cold continued his posting streak. He’s only missed one day since being named! He’s also going to be a new dad soon (congrats bro!). Pit Stop honored us with his presence today. Rooter is also back at it strong the past few Saturdays. It’s always good seeing them both (even if they stood us up after HCing for the Ruck). Thanks for lending the keys to the AO Camelback. Proud of all of you gents for your effort today!

Announcements/Prayer Requests/COT/Coffeteria

-Unspoken prayer requests among F3.

-5/6-Habitat Home Build needs volunteers (contact Beave for more info)

-5/6-Curbside Cleanup in Smithville (contact Possum for more info)

-5/15-5/16 Join us to demo and old deck and build a new walkway in Statesville for Mr McAllister who served our country. Looking for 10 men on each day. Contact @GnarlyGoat to get on board! A grant from @thef3foundation made this possible. Hear from Mr. McAllister here:

-8/25-8/27-F3 Dads camp registration open 2023 F3 LKN Dads Camp | F3 Isotope

Always great to start the day with my F3 brothers.

Until next time…


(aka Tobra Commander, Tobra Kai, Tobi-Wan, Teletoby, Tobias, Tobadia, “Toe”bee, TobyMac, Tob-lerone, etc.)
