Delivered what was promised

Event Date

Apr 29, 2024

I advertised a non-Murph workout in the preblast and delivered exactly that.  

Warm Up

  • Windmill
  • Long Snapper
  • Copperhead Squats
  • Imperial Storm Trooper
  • Toy Soldier
  • Side Straddle Hop

The Thang

I liked this DORA so much when Soprano delivered it last Friday that I copied it with wanton disregard…

Get a rock and partner up for 100 `merkins, 200 curls, and 300 squats. Partner 1 quadraphilias up the hill and then runs back while partner 2 does the DORA exercise. The catch however, is, the exercise is capped at 25 reps per turn. Once you hit 25 you do an ab exercise until the other partner returns.

Head to the wall for Peoples’ Chair with Land the Plane. Then some Rocky Balboas, followed by Praying Mantises, and finally some Christian McCaffraises.

Back to the rocks for some Overhead Presses and some Bent Over Rows.

Rocks back


  • Freddy Mercuries
  • WWII Situps
  • Jane Fondas
  • Low Flutters
  • Box Cutters
  • Little Baby Crunches

Age Stats For Nerds

  • Mean: 44.6 (average of the recorded ages)
    Median: 47 (age in the middle of those recorded)
    Mode: 51 (age that occurred the most)
    Max: 57 (highest age)
    Min: 29 (lowest age)
    Count: 9 (count of pax)
    Standard Deviation: 9.31082 (square root of the average “distance” each age had from the mean)
    Kurtosis: -1.38547 (indicates how “tailed” the data, i.e., are there outliers or extreme values in the tails.)
    Skewness: -0.2446 (describes the asymmetry of the data with respect to the mean, i.e., are we leaning left or right in a normal distribution. for about 7/8 of my qs, the skew leans negative, which is not surprising given the likelihood of more guys in their upper 40s/low 50s coupled with 2-3 pax in their 30s.)

