Denver AO2AO Ruck Vol.3

Event Date

Apr 05, 2019

It all started a little over 2 1/2 years ago when someone saw the Preblast for Quarter Ruck V. C# doesn't like this story it seems, but this is an example of how iron sharpens iron in many ways. A few Denver PAX got the rucking bug and a dose of reality at the QRV, and many have joined along the way, whether OTB, Heavys, Toughs, Lights, Ruck Marathons, Pathfinder training, and now year 3 of the AO2AO Ruck.

A select few, (those that show) meet each year to make the event what it is. Mostly they just enjoy the 2nd F, but also put their little twist and ideas into this. That's what makes it great as it's not just a few saying do this, but it evolves as we do as PAX.

Ideas were put into motion, the date was set, and the day was upon us. The SC's disappeared and the maybes started dropping, but all in all, 8 PAX showed for what followed. It's not about the number, as YHC always says and truly, truly means it for those reading, "I enjoy those that are here, and miss those that are not."

1915–PAX start rolling into a dark SVU and gather in the Poolhouse parking lot. Pleasantries were made, legs among others things were seen, and phones were checked to see if others were OTW.

1930—The PAX depart, one clown car straight to ELHSMustang, and the other to fix their headlight drop off something somewhere.

1945—The PAX arrive to Mustang and are greeted by startled some sleeping and carb loading PAX.


2000—Disclaimer is given by YHC, Comet leads the welcome party with a little ruck over head action and provides some added suck in the form of a 40 pound sand bag, Spork prays us out for a safe journey and for those that could not make it, Ziploc grabs the shovel flags, and Kaczynski showcases the beautiful and comfortable team weight consisting of horseshoes, chains, and held together by what felt like barb wire. Wait…before we go, this year's Service project is a little different than in the past, we have 2 extension grabbers and a slew of garbage bags. We are going to clean Denver along the way.

And off we go…

Miles 1 & 2 are straight forward and relatively easy compared to Year 2 as they are down hill since we reverse the course each year, and they were miles 12 & 13 last year. This is the most traffic the PAX will see, including some tire spinning action.

Miles 3-4 start off about where we expected, as this involves crossing Bypass 16, but not before Kaz decides this would be a good place to drop trou. Even Cajun Cowboy not knowing the area, knew this was not the time and place. Rewind to this same crossing Year 1 as it was a complete disaster, so hopefully we learned something. Nope, even with C# removing himself from TL on the crossing somehow the PAX went 11 different ways (again, 8 total PAX), then chose 3 different sides of the road once on Optimist east of 16. Eventually we sorted it out, headed up to Rufus road, completed the out and back, and stopped by Hydac for the first break.

Some hydrated, dehydrated, compared beef jerky flavors and pantyhose sizes. Comet graciously allows the PAX to drop the 40lb sand bag there and off we go.

Miles 4-7 we made our way back up Optimist, then thru the Villages (#SoMuchTraffic) stopping briefly for an impromptu selfie in front of an infamous Denver house come Christmas time. Passing restaurant row drew some cat calls, a little EH'ing, and dreams of brewskis and wings in the heads of the PAX. A semi successful crossing of Biz 16 leaves us on the back side of the "busy roads" for the night and we take off thru Smith Harbor. Winding around Westport Baptist and towards lakeshore south some are confused with the route, but none the less we regroup and make our way through the newly cut neighborhood to get us to Westport and a last pit stop at Zippys.

Stories are told in the driveway, in addition to landmarks, skidmarks, and dents pointed out by our host. Right about now, the PAX are reminded (for the 11teenth time) that Comet has an appointment early Saturday he doesn't want to miss. Little did he notice that 7/8's of the PAX there has no skin in the game, and was little consequence to them that he wanted to ruck/run the remainder of the way. The Team weight was requested to be left, but YHC wanted to take to Mustang ITG gloom so on the shoulder she went, and off to endex we go.

Miles 8-13.1ish wind through Skipper's favorite roads of north Westport and Blades and honestly a very peaceful and scenic ruck that time of night. The Team weight is fought over avoided by most, but the cadence of chain on horshoe and blood drip is quite a beautiful melody. Once the PAX realized we didn't need the out and back mileage to Governor's Island they knew they were home free. A left on Burton, and a little pep in everyone's step. Did we mention Comet had to be somewhere?!? We stop for a faux endex selfie at the SVU fountain…WATCH FOR INCOMING CARS…C# gets very creative using the trash picker up thingy as a selfie stick (hope you wash your phone). We take off for the home stretch, but not before one last mind game where we mostly take a left on Crepe Ridge for a lil baby/BIG BABY hill out and back action. Most that have posted there felt as though they were cheating since we didn't do it quadraphelia style, and with 30 WWI's at the top of lbh (thanks Dandy). Now for the last .WhateverYourRespectiveWatchShowedForTheNight and we are graciously greeted wake up two people napping in the parking lot.

Rucks off oh wait, and circle up. YHC shares what the night meant to him and opened to others. He then led the PAX to think about those that couldn't make it for whatever the reason, and remember that something is going on in each of our lives that may keep us from posting/something. Each of our jobs as PAX is to simply be there in support, so when needed, they know we/you are there. In honor of that we do a YHC favorite of #22aday…22 Merkins OYO to honor the 22 Veteran lives lost a day.


Oh, and patches (if you care about those kinds things) were handed out courtesy of Lightbulb. Thanks brother!


-Though a different service project than in the past, it should be considered a success. The PAX made Patty Korn proud and probably eased her workload for the weekend. ~5 full bags of trash were logged. Mulligan reports that someone noticed odd guys picking up trash in Westport around 2300 so good things were noticed.

-Thanks to Cajun Cowboy for making the trip over and joining. This is the 2nd or 3rd event YHC has been lucky enough to participate with him and he is steady as a rock. Positive and such a helping hand on the team, and can only imagine he's the same as Scott. He also was educated on how the altitude in Denver can affect the mileage on the Garmin if not recalibrated.

-Brother Skipper comes out for seconds on the AO2AO and kills it. It must be hard to carry an AO on your shoulders but maybe that's why sporadic rucking comes so easy to him. There are some rumors going around that POTUS was seen picking up trash around Denver last night but not sure if there are pics to support.

-Kaczynski crafts an amazing Team weight that was loved by all. He thoroughly enjoyed the middle portion of the route with the memories from last Sunday's run.

-Spork unofficially retires from rucking (until the next time). Brother you're such a light to be out there and we appreciate you for that. Twas a pleasure!

-C# provides the chicken minis music for the night. For nursing a bum shoulder he carried additional weight for most the night it seemed, and was a moving vending machine with all the pick me up snacks provided.

-Thanks to Comet for providing the preblast banter, welcome party, and refreshment station at Hydac. Dude kills it in anything we've done together and look forward to the next time.

-Ziploc misses the pants required preblast but went with the "show em if you got em" attitude. Thanks to all the help putting this together, pushing those along the way, and providing the last aid station.

-In the clown car returning to Mustang, discussions about AO2AO IV took place and there are some great ideas. We'd love to have a little piece from everyone included so be on the lookout for next year's AO2AO committee meeting.

-For those that could not make it for one reason or another, we hope that you can next time!

Pleasure to lead, and be led by you gentlemen,

