Denver Celebrates F3’s 10th Anniversary

Eleven fine men gathered in the drizzly, breezy, cold gloom at Rescue Squad Park to ring in the New Year and celebrate the ten-year anniversary of F3. Mater and Sonar shared the honor of leading.  Sonar’s recollections (somewhat failing) are included below

Mater takes the helm under the pavilion



21 IC Side Straddle Hops

10 IC Cotton Pickers

10 IC Windmills

10 IC Toy Soldiers

21 IC Monkey Humpers #CrowdPleaser


Mosey to the awning on the west side of the high school, notice Clark arriving, mosey back to parking lot to pick him up, mosey back to the awning (completely unnecessary running, if you ask me, he would have found us…)

Partner up.  One partner runs one way around the school while the other goes the other direction.  When we meet at the awning on the other side, 15 jumps squats, then continue around the school.  Once back at the original awning, partners do 10 patty-cake merkins.

(somewhere in here, Boucher magically appears)



Mosey around the lower building to back

Sprint to the top of the exit lane, perform 21 alternating jump-lunges, mosey back to the bottom, perform 10 burpees.



Mosey back up to the pavilion for Q turnover

Sonar takes the helm


Sonar Circuit – Rescue Squad Park style

Pick a picnic table, perform 10 step-ups each leg, 10 decline merkins, 10 deep slow dips, run a lap around the track (just over half mile the long way, just over quarter mile the short way), stop at pull up bars or down-under bars for 10 pullups along the way.

REPEATO UNTIL MARY  – three full-circuits for most

6 MOM (more like 2)

21 12 Dr. Ws (Q tried for 21 but mutiny occurred…)


2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

Although today is New Year’s Day, we don’t need to wait for some arbitrary point in our planet’s orbit to mark a renewal.  We have the opportunity to pass away the old and bring on the new anytime we choose to accept the gift we have been given.

Happy 10th Anniversary to F3!!


– Nice turnout for a last-minute, nasty-weather beatdown

– Sonar is on pace for a 1,168 miles this year and has as many miles as Fabio and as many workouts as Mater so far this year.  I’ll take my victories where I can.

– There were far too many intentionally-direct gas emissions today #FingerFoodBacklash?

– As usual, great 2nd F at Cabbella’s afterward.

– As always, it is an honor to be allowed to lead and a privilege just be a part of this thing we call F3.  Make it your goal this year to find others who need what we have and #GiveItAway