Denver Drizzle

Event Date

Nov 20, 2024

A little rain didn’t dissuade this trio!  

Warm Up

arm rotations, TS, ST, WM, CP.  Plank to SS, D/U Dog, calf raises.

Main Thang

Rt 77.  Circuit around PL with 11 stops for 7 reps: burpees, dips, squats, merkins, step up, lunge walk, Aussie bars for 3 sets of pull ups.  Mosey to front of gym for wall sit.  Bear Crawl to wall with +1 merkin.  Dragon Walk back.  A fan favorite!

Clark finished off the last 15 minutes with Tabata: 20 seconds with 3 sec rest for: merkins, MC, high knees, sit ups, LBC s, PC, low flutter and probably a few more my O2 starved brain can’t recall.


Prayers for Mellisa, Paula, Phyllis, Edward.  Fast mosey through the rain back to the cars.  Missed all who didn’t show!
