Denver F3 to the Rescue (Park)

Seventeen strong from Mustang and SVU converged on Rescue Park for a Saturday morning beat down.  Closer warmed things up with some upper body work and Atlantis finished it off with lower body.  After many of the Pax blasted through a Friday Veteran’s Day Murph, there was a lot of mumble chatter about the high concentration of merkins.  Unfortunately, neither of the co-Q's were able to post Friday so complaining fell on deaf ears.  Closer started it out like this:

Warm up

  • Right over left stretch
  • Left over right stretch
  • Arm circles
  • 20x IC side straddle hops
  • 10x IC cotton pickers
  • 20x IC imperial storm troopers

Closer's Building Blocks

  • Locate a rock to make yo momma proud and return to circle
  • Merkins 1 minute (on rock – scale as needed)
  • LBC 3x 30 sec on w/ 10 sec rest between
  • Mountain climbers 1 minute + Merkins 1 minute
  • Freddy Mercury 3x 30 sec on w/ 10 sec rest
  • Squats w/ rock 1 minute + Mountain climber 1 minute + Merkin 1 minute
  • Low flutter 3x 30 sec on w/ 10 sec rest
  • Rock Shoulder Press 1 minute + Squats w/ rock 1 minute + Mountain Climber 1 minute + Merkin 1 minute

Now put it all together for 1 minute

  • One Push up into a 4 count mountain climber then grab rock and squat going up into a shoulder press and repeat for 1 minute. #BlainesBurpees

After 30 minutes of upper body, Atlantis took over to balance things out with some lower body work. Started out with a double line Indian run around the park with last man doing three merkins before sprinting to front.  Each cycle through the line the pax stopped for a little pain including:

30x IC Lunges
20x IC Monkey Humpers (by request when we stopped right in front of the farmers market shelter)
30x IC Squats

Next did a box jump / burpee ladder on low wall around playground. 

20 box jumps (or step-ups) with 2 burpees
18 box jumps – 4 burpees, etc.
Continue pattern down to 10 box jumps and up to 10 burpees


Little time left for Mary so did 1-1/2 minutes of low dollies until 8:00.


Ephesians 4:31-32

31 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. 32 Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.


  • T-Claps to all that stayed and helped with cleanup work on the frisbee golf course.
  • A lot of mumble chatter about soreness from Murph.  I resisted the temptation to throw in some pull ups when our first pain stop happened right beside the pull up bars. #MurphMercy
  • Impressive showing by Frisbee (Nittney’s 2.0) pumping out 65 merkins on last rotation of Closer's Building Blocks.
  • Had my back towards the Farmers Market folks during our Monkey Humpers so don’t know if we got any reaction.
  • Thought we had seventeen but only have 16 names so sound off in the comments if I missed somebody.
  • Thanks for the privilege to help lead and to be led by the men of Denver F3.  Hope all have a great week!