Denver Friday “Fun” Run – Rapidemente

Event Date

May 25, 2018


7 started the weekend off STRONG.

7 including Dean hit the pavement HARD.  We warmed up and then set out down Camino de Muerte.  The pace escalated quickly for a Fun Run, with a well-rested Vortex holding down the front.  We turned up through West Covington, down the backside and then went through East Covington back to the AO.  

 – Dandy had his new vest, and held strong with the pace all the way through

 – Bertha joins us!  And casually struts alongside of us like it was nothing.  (I think he's SVU)

 – Vortex and Cheetah made homecomings coming off the road to join us

 – Dean and Blart have started to become regulars!

 – We prayed that the rain would hold off for Saturday's workouts

 – 5 miles at an 8:18 pace; in muggy, hot conditions was in the Top 3 "Funnest" Fun Runs EVER