Denver Friday Fun Run – What did the Fox say?

Event Date

Jun 15, 2018


6 PAX rolled-up to the AO looking to show our newest member, Cropduster, who we need to get registered some of Denver's finest segments.

Cropduster decided to scorch 2+ miles prior-to, so he came in hot at 0531.  Dandelion, well he came in as usual at 0531, not so hot.  We head out down towards Governor's island to show Cropduster the Governor's Island Up and the Bayshore segments.  No segments were harmed though during the making of this fun run.  Everyone behaved nicely.  It may have been the HOT and HUMID mass of air that made breathing feel like drinking a milkshake.

On the way down to the island, we see 2 animals race across the road in front of us, and then the dog run back across.  We get up to the action, and a Fox let's us all know "What does the Fox Say", multiple time.  If you have never heard one, it sounds like a small child's blood-curdling scream as if a Grizzly Bear was attacking them.  Thankfully, he is not interested in us much.

We completed both segments and then headed back to the AO.  Pace was quick for a Fun Run, but we still maintained ample chatter and protected the 6.

 – Good to see Cheetah able to make it.  He heavily marketed the Summer Tris that happen every Sat. at 0600.

 – Cropduster casually trotted the segments, calm before the storm no doubt.

 – Dandelion is killing it lately. He can bench 500lbs AND cut an 8:00 mile.  BOSS

 – GW cuts out a bit early, but not before schooling YHC on how MATH can be used to make you a sub-7 runner.  No wonder I'm so slow.

 – We prayed for Vortex down in St. Lucia as he has not run since landing yesterday and prayers up for all Battle of the Shields competitors this weekend.  FYI, Burn Boot Camp has a team so they'll be gunning for you.