Denver Murph ELHS Mustang July Edition

YHC can't count.  At first I counted 9, then 11, turns out we had 10…added the 5 from SVU to make a 2 for 1 BB…

Still need IronClad to register (FNG-1) on the site so we can get his name showing up.  Bertha also needs to register (FNG-2), but today was his first, so he gets a pass.

Bertha, who loves Grateful Dead, Hospital Name Chris Deiulio, was EH'd by Ziplock.  They work together at BofA and he lives in Sonar's neighborhood, but where was Sonar.  I'm sure they're both VP's of something at BofA.

Today's Murph was almost like every other one except YHC decided to announce both options of 10 rounds of 10-20-30 or 20 rounds of 5-10-15.  If completing 10-20-30, start on each odd numbered round according to the timer.  

For the rest of you isotopians that may be reading this wondering WTH I'm talking about… Denver uses a timer to ensure we git 'er done in the allotted time so we have a timer for each round.  We typically vote on the format, 10 rounds or 20 to get up to 100 pull-ups, 200 'mericans (that's a Push-up Bertha), and 300 sqauts, but it made sense ,although a little confusing, to open it up.

Abrams once again come up with an excuse of why his performance will be lacking before the run even starts, but then pretty much sets a PR for a mile time.  I'm beginning to think he may be a hustler.   "Oh I suck at pool" and then proceeds to run the table kind of guy.  Note to self, never believe Abrams if he says he is no good at something, at the very least don't make any wagers!

Very solid work by the entire PAX, especially to FNG Bertha who is sure to be sore for a few days.  Today's MC was almost non-existent, but we still had fun, I think.  YHC was so lightheaded by the halfway point that any MC was heard as just that, MC, and I can't remember anything.

Enjoy the day fellas

Yeah I missed this due to the oxygen deprivation, so here it is:

Romans 8:38-39

38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.