Denver Party in the LBC

19 this AM, some ran 7+, some 4, some 3, some 2.5

Not included in the list above is WildThing

COP  (By Dandelion)
30 IC Mt Climbers Dandelion may have kept going but the PAX brought forth the pitch forks
20 IC Dandelion ‘Mericans

The Thang
Hand off to Cheetah

Run around the park stopping for pain stations

Partner up, Size doesn’t really matter, but it might in a minute
First Stop…Between Partner A and B rotate through as you see fit complete 100 Squats while the other partner does LBCs

Continue along the trail for the 2nd stop
Q explains some odd form of shoulder press plank thing.  Had planned for 100 reps, but this proved rather INSANE, so audible was called after about 30-50 reps and the PAX went the rest of the way up to 100 swapping between Squats and LBC again.

Continue around to the rock pile, Cheetah arrives and grabs a massive rock.  Instructions are clear, grab a BIG rock! Each exercise is 10 IC…

Curls, Run to Edge of clearing and back
Shoulder Press, Reverse run to edge of clearing and back
Swap sides of the rock pile
Curls, Reverse run to edge of clearing and back
Skull Crushers, High step skip to the edge of the clearing
Run the rest of the way around the course and Plank or Peter Parkers until the 6 arrives

Turnover to YHC (Clark)
Partner up at the big hill for some Modified Dora 1-2-3 (Thanks Gashouse)
A partner Quadraphilia up, runs over, down, back over while B partner completes ‘Mericans.  Flapjack each lap until partners finish 100 ‘Mericans total.  Plank touches when you are done.

A Partner bear crawls up, runs over, down, back over while B partner completes Squats.  Flapjack each lap until partners finish 200 Squats total. Plank when done

A Partner runs up the hill, over, down, back over while B partner completes Flutterkicks. Flapjack each lap until partners finish 300 flutterkicks. Reverse plank when done.

Just because it’s a crowd pleaser 10 IC Pseudo Planché ‘Mericans

10 IC Dr. W
10 IC FM
10 IC Peter Parker
60 second Plank
Finished with American Hammer 30 sec.


Factoid of the day On this day in 1863, US Congress approved the Deposit Act, which contained a provision for turning over surplus federal revenue to the states.  I guess the federal government got tired of turning over money to the states…?

From Toby Mac #SpeakLife on facebook, origin unknown

“Practice the pause.  When in doubt, pause. When angry, pause. When tired, pause. When stressed, pause, And when you pause, pray.”

The Holy Bible tells us to pause quite often, it’s read as Selah.  In the Amplified Bible immediately after “Selah” it also reads “pause and calmly think of that” The phrase is used in Psalms and it’s used 71 times in that book, plus 3 more times in Habakkuk.  Selah is used most often at the end of a verse, but sometimes is used elsewhere.  Perhaps this is one way of saying stop and smell the roses, so maybe we need to add to this to just pause more often.  Even when happy, pause.

Announcements and Moleskin
Jolly has the Q at Mustang Aug 20th
Range day tomorrow at Denver Defense

T-Claps to those than Ran the triple standard (C#, Closer)
and the double+ Standard (Clubber)
and the double standard (Clark, Goodwrench, Slipper)
and the Standard (Nittany, Frisbee, Cheetah, Dandelion)

Thanks to everyone for coming out to the LBC today
Lots of good fun today, mostly clean

Good EH on the Pastor and a few church members