Denver Represents at the Polar Bear

Event Date

Feb 04, 2017

5 of Denver’s finest made the short trek down 73 to represent at our local LKN CSAUP, the 2017 Polar Bear.

Clown car arrives to the AO just before 7 and no one to be found other than a lone rucker we passed on the drive in. Are we at the correct place, did we miss the memo that it has been canceled, is it too cold for people to be hanging out 30 minutes prior to start ? Yep it was the cold. We decide to unload from the car and start to warm up, only thing is,  it is too cold to bother with a warm up so everyone not named Sonar returns to the warm confines of the Liberty. After watching Sonar circle the vehicle a few times we allow him back in. After waiting for a few minutes more cars slowly begin to arrive.

We exit the vehicle, mark our post with the SVU shovel flag and begin the formalities of introducing ourselves to others in the region. After hearing the name Hefty he is treated like a rockstar from others after being recognized as the one that is taking the goat off someone else’s hands. A little bit of stretching and it is 7:30, we’re off. Mosey around here and there with progressive burpees at strategic locations. We circle up within the stable for burpees, warm ups, burpees and more burpees … creative juices we lacking hydration with the volume of burpees we were afforded. Lots of heckling the Q’s and sounding off on the drone that sounded like a swarm of bees. We break into 3 groups for pain stations and the workout has officially begun. Station 1, partner up and alternate sprints with 40-50 counts of various exercises, partner wheel barrow and the like. Station 2 was all about the derkins on a 3 rung fence over and over and over again mixed with fence over unders, bear crawls and crab walks.  Station 3, more derkins of course accompanied by squats, log curls and a few others.  Short mosey to the lake and the fun of the workout is over. As everyone looks anxiously at the lake curious as to what exactly is next, we line up for log hand off while the rules of the game are explained. Teams are formed are the CSAUP portion of the day has arrived.

Without removing the mystery for those that haven’t attended, let’s just say that there was plenty of trail running, pain stations and awkward exercises that prevent me from looking Mulligan in the eyes any longer. Two and a half hours of a workout, 6 + miles accumulated and memories that will last the full year. Honorary Denver Pax , Jedi, prayed us out in the spirit of what is means to be F3.  Highly encourage others to participate next year. 

TClaps to Skipper for the antics displayed during various photo opportunities.

Special thanks to our LKN Brothers for leading this up so close to home