Denver Sunday Runday – Just for Mulligan

Event Date

May 27, 2018


7 PAX came out to get a jump on their Memorial Day Weekend caloric intake.  

It was hot, humid and muggy as we all arrived at the AO.  Abrams immediately comments that YHC arms looked "ripped".  I was wearing my new tank and he was obviously impressed.  Suns out, Guns out.  GW was visibly distraught after realizing that everyone was wearing tanks BUT him.  His shorts more than made up for his extra fabric up top though.

We set out the back entrance of SV and down McConnell.  Right away we had to embrace the suck.  Sweat started pouring and the hill coming back towards SV starting picking us off one by one.   Abrams, normally a mile in front of us, had just done a half marathon yesterday, and was wanting some recovery miles.  Gecko and Dandelion, fresh off their man date to the Winery, chit-chatted the whole time.  (Don't think I didn't notice.)  We threw in a couple of cul de sacs and eventually Mulligan, Dandelion, Abrams and Gecko headed back to the AO after 5 miles in the muck.  

Vortex and Skipper proceeded down to the Burton Boat Ramp where Skipper had to make a pit stop to remove a rock in his shoe that kept rattling around.  We circled back and met up with GW who was just finishing clocking a lethargical 6:50 mile to catch back up with us.  We headed past the SV fountain and did East Covington looping back Burton and onto the AO.  10 miles.

 – I promised Mulligan a BB if he showed and I'm a man of my word.

 – This was 7 days in a row for me.  Not gonna lie, I didn't have much in the tank.

 – Have a great long weekend fellas, remember those who paid the price to give us the FREEDOM we enjoy.