DenverNC 2017 MDMurph

(Bolt and Ironclad too)

18 of Denver's finest crawled from the holiday slumber to honor our soldiers who gave it all.  This is the story of our Memorial Day Murph.



none needed, patriotism is always warmed up


The Thang:

Run 1 mile

20 sets at 1:15 intervals

– 5 pull ups

– 10 push ups

– 15 squats

Run 1 mile


Reflection:  John 15:13

No one has greater love (nor stronger commitment) than to lay down his own life for his friends.



– T-claps to all who were able to participate.  Great turn out!

– T-claps to Clark for whacking down the tall grass and putting down some wood shavings at 6.

– Double T-claps to Clark, Vortex, and Mulligan who wore weight on the run and some pull ups. 

– Double T-claps also to Abrams for participating even though his broken ankle was in a boot #ToughGuy (without running obviously)

– Good stuff seeing 2.0's Bolt, AirBall, and Comet working out with their dads.  #Raisin’emRight

– The sun creeping over the hill onto the pull up bars had me really appreciating the shade we have in the SVU hollow.


It was a real honor to lead fellas

