
Event Date

May 15, 2018


6 men met in the muggy, sticky, sweaty gloom to slow things down and concentrate of proper form.


  • ISW X 10IC
  • Peter Parkers X 10IC
  • Merkins X 10IC
  • Cotton Pickers X 10IC

Head to the playground and split into 2 groups – DISCLAIMER given!

Despacito translation to English is Slowly.  All exercises today will be done at half speed so we can concentrate on form and feel the burn!

Round 1

  • Australian Rows X 10IC (4 count, but take 2 counts going up and 2 going down)
  • Box Cutters
  • Repeato 3 Times

Little Hill Run

Round 2

  • Block Curls X 15IC (1st Round ) 10 IC (Rounds 2 & 3) same cadence as before
  • Stranded Turtles
  • Repeato 3 times

Little Hill Run

Round 3

  • Dips x 15 IC (1st Round) 10IC (Round 2 & 3)
  • low flutter
  • Repeator 3 times

Little Hill Run


  • Jane Fonda Right X 15IC
  • J-Lo X 15IC
  • Jane Fonda Left X 15IC
  • Stretch Armstrong (5 mins)
    • Hamstring stretch
    • Calf stretch
    • Groin
    • Quads


  • Welcome back Gillette – great to see you today! 
  • Skipper reached a new level of creepiness – During quad stretch to Dandelion – "You can look into my eyes if you need to concentrate on something"
  • Metro announced his arrival 3 minutes late with an elongated flatulent.
  • Coyote CSAUP on Saturday at 6am – 4 & 8 mile run with pain stations led by a few PRoD Qs – I'm thinking about doing it so let me know if anyone wants to tagalong.  Great way to meet some of the eastern shore pax.


Matthew 7: 13-14

Enter through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life.  And only a few find it.

Pleasure to lead this am!