Detroit Style Beatdown

9 got together for a nostalgia inspired beatdown from YHC's home town. 

Warm up(non traditional)

20 ssh

10 abe vigodas

15 storm  troopers

10 ww2 situps

Mosey downstairs to picnic tables

Partner up (3 sets)

Partner A -Run a big lap

Partner B- Combo of chest amrap(incline merican, decline merican and dips)

Mosey to basement for Brick work

50 swings

50 chest presses

Pain stations 

Lunges up to first floor

Station 1- 30 lunges

Bear crawl to 2nd floor

Station 2 -30 mericans

sprint to next floor 

Station 3- 50 LBC's

All in all a great work out. Highlights were an FNG getting his F3 name. Welcome Paprika! And Enron got older hitting a non milestone 38 years old. Crustless Detroit Style pizza was enjoyed by all to cap off a chilly Wednesday night. 

I appreciate all the PAX who came out!
