Devo’s Dream Comes True

Event Date

Mar 08, 2016

After a quick no-stretch dynamic warm-up, 6 Advanced Early Shifters ran to the back of Baker Sports Complex to the old pullup bars. 

From Pullup Bars:

10 pullups, run to far end of gravel path, 10 burpees, run back, 10 dips (IC), 10 incline pushups (IC)

10 pullups, run along gravel path and up hill to road, 10 burpees, run back, 10 dips (IC), 10 incline pushups (IC)

10 pullups, run along gravel path and up hill all the way to fence by the Stadium, 10 burpees, run down to front of Baker.

Front of Baker:

12 Squat Box jumps, 10 dips, 10 incline merkins

10 Squat Box jumps, 10 LBCs, 10 deline merkins

10 Squat Box jumps, 10 dips, 10 incline merkins

10 Squat Box jumps, 10 LBCs, 10 deline merkins

Stadium – Stairway to Seven

Burpees (1-7), Incline Pushups (1-7), run to top, Squats (1-7), run down

Run back to Green for Mary and COT

Moleskin: Devo said he had dreams about running all the way to the back of Baker for my workout, and he posted anyway! #Qgettingpredictable

Mindfreak was either late for the early shift or early for the late shift, so he missed OUR warm-up.  We were glad to have him anyway. 

Stairway to Seven is a lot harder at the end of a workout!

Someone had on a Garmin and said we covered 2.5 miles, which is a  lot given all the other stuff we did!

NIce work guys.  Thanks for letting me lead!