Deworming SVU

Event Date

Apr 23, 2019


5 young pups showed up for their spring deworming.  I'm guessing everyone else is out of town because there was no excuse to fartsack today.


  • Mtn Climbers X 20IC
  • Plank Jacks X 15IC
  • ISW X 10IC
  • SSH X 20IC
  • Windmills X10IC


Today consisted of legs and a whole lot of core.  3 stations of exercises, but everyone loved an overdose of Wooly Worms.

Station 1 – Front Playground

  • Wooly Worms X 10IC
  • Reverse Wooly Worms X 10IC
  • Squats X 10IC
  • Russian Getups X 10IC

Station 2 – Top of LBH

  • 2-3 minutes of Plank exercises
  • Lunges X 10IC

Station 3 – Top of BBH

  • Alt V-Ups X 15IC
  • Dippy Birds X 10IC each leg

Path was 1 – 2 – 1 – 3 – 1 – 2 – 1 – 3 – 1 (5 rounds of Wooly/Reverse Woolys)


  • 45 min worth 


  • Mater speed counts the wooly worms – pax doing squats barely get 7 IC
  • Strudel beat everyone up the hills – when did you become the sprinter?
  • Route through off Dandelion – he's only used to going up LBH
  • Metro FIFOs it and is once again disappointed by no merkins, burpees, or pullups
  • Already feel it in the glutes and hammys – enjoy the day

Pleasure to lead,