Dia de Las Piernas Muertas

Lots o' Legs today.

Warm Up

More of the usual with exception of Toy Soldiers and Billy Bobs being done dynamically, walking from one side of parking lot to the other, tather than standing in the circle. Cousin Eddie who is a physical therapist claims this is the best way to do them. 


12 Step Ups each leg IC 

12 Jump Squats

12 Bulgarian split squats IC

12 Calf Raises each leg IC

40x Monkey Humpers

Peoples chair 1 minute


Lap around HT parking lot

Lieutenant Dan (start with1 lunge each leg and 10 squats, work up by 1 rep to 10 lunges and down by 1 rep to 1 squat)

Repeato The Dead Leg above


Mosey to beginning of Horsehoe hill

Quadrafilia up hill

mosey back to start and circle up for 

1 min superman



– First and foremost, thank you to Outlaw for extending an invite to Q at Paininsula. If it isn't the finest workout in Lake Norman, I don't know what is.

– Great to see Primo back in the gloom. Hope it was a fun one to come back to after 2 months off

– Cousin Eddie got his name 2 weeks ago and has been making the rounds, says he only misses posting on Fridays. Tclaps 

– Come play some football this Saturday, 7AM at Bailey Road Park

– Enjoyed coffee today, great to hang around and listen to the older Pax tell stories and pontificate wildly

– Scrappy and election day were mentioned multiple times throughout the workout. Hoping you take it home today brother and praying for leaders who will follow what is said in Micah 6:8- "He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"