Did anyone know that it was supposed to rain 🤷🏼‍♂️

A half dozen PAX showed in the mist and damp ground for a well covered KB beatdown.  There was a common statement uttered, hence the Back last titled, “I didn’t expect it to rain”, “had anyone heard that it was going to rain”, “I don’t recall a forecast for rain”. The beatdown went a little something like so:

Warm O Roma – Windmill slow IC X 10, runners stretch for 5 seconds holding both sides, chin to the knee for 5 second hold both sides, long snapper IC X 10 & add KB IC X 10, ISTs IC X 15 

Stack: after each exercise take a lap around the parking lot Island, then add a new exercise & complete the previous exercise (stacking) and then run a lap. The called exercises are below 

Arms – lawnmowers each arm IC X 10. LAP. Isolated one arm curl each arm X 10 count+ lawnmowers. LAP. Full curls IC X 10, + lawnmowers + isolated curls. LAP. Low curls, high curls, lawnmowers + isolated curls. LAP

Chest & Core – overhead press IC X 10. LAP. on your 6 for KB weighted chest press X 30 & KB weighted LBCs X 30, overhead press. LAP. on your 6 for windshield wipers IC X 10, chest press X 30, LBCs IC X 10, overhead press. LAP. on your 6 chest press X 30, KB weighted LBCs X 30, overhead press + skull crushers X 10. Mosey underneath entrance of the school and grab some wall.

Legs – KB weighted people’s chair with air traffic controller IC X 10. Grab them heals.  Praying Mantis IC X 10. KB weighted people’s chair with air press IC X 10. Touch dem heals. People’s Chair with seal claps IC X 10. Praying Mantis IC X 10. KB weighted side bends IC X 10. Mosey back to launch 

Recover, Recover 

Announcements – Cookie Q by PAX MonaLisa this Saturday.

Prayers – mainly for aging PAXs parents; PAX MobyDick’s Dad recovering, PAX Sud’s Dad recovering, PAX Outlaw’s Dad recovering. PAX Callahan recovering from knee surgery. PAX Roadie mourning the loss of his nephew. Please raise up these PAX and any others suffering or in need.