Did Freddie Mercury do this on stage or something?

Thug, Blackbeard, Titan and titan2.0 joined us at the COT for namorama. They rucked &/or ran as a group. 

the remaining pax listed embarked on a journey to the track at 0700 to commence warmorama punctuated with a calf stretch Ohyo. First exercise was the 400 meter dash, followed by merkins in Cadence. With considerable difference in speed and fitness levels YHC consulted with MQ Possum for an audible, so we continued with 200 meter dash reps from then on out. Filling our time in between with squats, Carolina Drydocks, burpees, reverse lunges, LBCs, heels to heaven, etc. Mumblechatter is to be expected but walking 25+ yards to the next exercise several reps in a row while pax wait in the plank position is pretty soft in my opinion. Reps were clocked in at about 8:40 pace, well within reason.

after several repetitions around the track we mounted the wall and found rocks to play with. Curls, rock press, bent over rows, repeato. Don’t forget to stretch your bellies and some skull crushers from the six. Rocks back, mosey. 

down to the bottom of k2 we partnered up for some hill repeats while partner performs core work beat down of choice. 3 reps up the hill each. Final round down was Merkins in cadence and quadrophelia to the top of the hill. Wander to pull up bars for 2 sets in cadence, mosey. Finish strong with Bulgarian split squats and a mobility moment featuring monkey humpers. Recover recover, 30 seconds ahead of schedule.
In hindsight YHC missed a perfect opportunity for 5 burpees OhYo to close us out. Bonus points to you if you knock out your 5 burpees after reading this backblast, comment with your favorite brand of shoe to wear during beat downs in the gloom if you do. 

Prayers for Moonlight. Workout was a lot of fun today. Great turnout, great weather, great day to be great. I’m grateful for my two eyes, ears, arms and legs and the time here on earth to use them. I’m grateful for others, especially f3 pax to be able to pass that time with. 

until next time,
