23 men arrived thinking they knew 3 things: 1) No running 2) No Burpees 3) Shoe would be in the house.  Well Shoe was indeed in the house – as for the other 2 – well the Q told some fibs



Warm up run up the parking lot to the Warm-o-rama

SSH x 25 (counted Shoe-style)

Stretch left/right into plank for 10 slow merkins, single count

IST x 20

Mosey to block pile to pull out blocks and tire. Partner up

Partner 1 – Zamperini to pull-up bars – 10 pullups, Partner 1 runs back and flips tire back

Partner 2 – flip tire twice and do ten merkins – runs to pull-up bars – 10 pullups and Zamperini back with blocks


Partner 1 – bear crawl to next island and back

Partner 2 – 2 sets – 7 half curls from bottom, 7 half curls from mid-way and 7 full curls


Partner 1 – crab walk to next island and back

Partner 2 – shoulder presses / skull crushers until partner returns


Partner 1 – Side bear to next island and back

Partner 2 – Chest presses until partner returns


Partner block pass 20 Right and 20 Left

Leave blocks and mosey to gym wall

Peoples Chair 2 mins with alternate leg raise and 20 x air presses

Mohammad Ali x 20

Balls to the Wall (or butt to the wall for Shoe) 30 Seconds

Fast Mary (10 x LBCs, 10 x W's, 10 x Freddie Mercurys, 10 x Dying Cockroaches, 20 x low flutters)

REPEATO (except Muhammad Ali's with punches)

Slow mosey back to blocks put away blocks/tire – mosey up to pullup bars – partner assisted 25 pull ups

x 2