Didn’t go far but it sure did hurt

Event Date

Sep 12, 2020


5 men showed up to play on the SVU grounds.    


10 x Toy Soldiers

15 x Plank Jacks

15 x Mountain Climbers

10 x Dippy Birds (each leg)

10 x Windmills

The Thang

Mosey to back playground, max pullups.

Preposition 4 blocks at end of path, load up wheelbarrow with 4 more blocks, dig Michelle out of the woods and the battering ram and head to parking lot. 

AO 3 stations:

Two pairs and Dandy solo as he pushed through one legged like a champ.

One group flips Michelle across parking lot: one flip and hop thru the tire while other pax does a burpee, swap and repeato.

One group mosey with battering ram to top of LBH and do 10 rows and return.

One group (counter) jogs with wheelbarrow and 4 blocks to end of path, unloads blocks and loads 4 more and returns. 

All pax rotate through stations.

Bear Crawls to front playground.

5 stations at front playground:

Station 1 is Counter: Sprint to AO entrance, mosey to bottom of hill and back to AO, sprint back to playground.

Station 2 is dips on bench

Station 3 is incline Mericans

Station 4 is Willy Worms

Station 5 is jumping over swing

Mosey to AO, 10 count and repeat parking lot 3 stations.

Bear crawl/crab walk combo to front playground and repeat 5 stations.

Gear back to playground and mosey to parking lot.


100 Mericans: 5 pax line up and plank while one pax counts aloud and does one merican, progress thru the line until 100 (each pax did 20 mericans)

15 x box cutters

15 x Freddy Mercury

30 sec Russian Twist



Lots of talk this week within our company at American Airlines and amongst the pilots with the anniversary of 9/11.  As most know we lost two planes and crews that day.  Linked video tells the story of Steve Scheibner and how he was scheduled to be on AA 11.  Good to watch and think about as it really hits home the point about what we do with our life we are given, especially in the context of those who provided for it and allowed us to live in such a great country.  Amazing to think how resilient we are together. 

Also recommend following up with this clip, for me one of the most powerful parts of any movie out there.



-Dandelion was there in spirit BRR folks!  What a trooper.

-Cheetah’s kryptonite is pine cone free throws.

-Salty has been doing lots of training at the fire station, must be building a heck of routine to throw at us soon!

-Anvil pleaded for no running at the start, I hope this met his request!

Fair Winds and Following Seas
