Ding Ding One More Round to Go…

“Going in one more round when you don’t think you can. That’s what makes all the difference in your life.” – Rocky Balboa

My first time as Q at The Mighty Oak was fun.  YHC dropped off a bucket of pain this morning and there were even 4 PAX waiting in the gloom for the extended standard of 3 easy miles (you know who you were).  As we returned from our little warm up stroll, 9 additional PAX rolled in and eager to get to it.  YHC did not waste anytime and preceeded to take the PAX on a warm up lap around the parking lot – the level of mumblechatter around running was unusually high.  Nonetheless, we pressed on and circled up for some additional warm up that consisted of some good ole' standards and a YHC favorite

SSH x 25 IC

IST x 15 IC

Tiny/Little/Big Arm Circles – Front

Tiny/Little/Big Arm Circles – Rear

Seal Claps x 20 IC

Carrot Pickers x 10 IC

Mosey to straight away parking lot behind the schoold for instructions.  Today was going to be a HIIT of the highest intensity (it was my off day).  Thus far, only typical mumblechatter could be heard until YHC announced the fist exercise in the series – Burpees [insert PAX complaint here].  My special brand of HIIT is pretty simple – 1 min of an exercise of my choice, 20 second rest.  But there was a twist – between some of the exercises, we run as we gotta keep the heart rate up.  Below are the particulars (all exercises executed for 1-min, 20 sec rest period, except for the Sprint which is timed separately)

Burpee x 1 min

100 yd Sprint

Flutter Kicks


100yd Sprint


Partner Leg Throws (see moleskin)

100 yd Sprint

Shoulder Touch Mericans

Big Baby Crunch

100 yd Sprint


Elbow Plank

100yd Sprint

Carolina DD

100 yd Sprint

Repeato – we did not get through a full second round, but close

No Mary as YHC timed it perfectly


  • Did not know F3 made ranger panties, but according to the PAX Ramrod has the legs for them
  • Note to self and PAX, always execute partner leg throws with your eyes closed.  There are some things in life that you can "unsee" and looking up during legs throws is one of those times
  • Admittedly, I have been trying to get on the Mighty Oak calendar for sometime now – could nt find a date.  Ramrod is a master Q recruiter
  • For the PAX i challenge you to step up and Q if you have not done so before or it has been a while.  I set a Q challenge for myself this year of 30 – as of this morning I have knocked out 16/30 Qs this year.  Will anyone else accept the challenge?
  • Good to see a lot of familar faces this morning and meet some new ones.  Thanks to Ramrod for letting me Q in was a pleasure.

See you again in the gloom!
