Dingo’s Dingo’s Dingleberry (and some Kettlebell exercises)

14 pax and one pooch came to Cauldron looking to fling their kettlebells around one last time before the holidays.  Here's what they did:

0500: Auto, Big Montana, Dingo (with Gracie), DonHo, PopTart, and YHC took off down the greenway for a 3 mile #Standard.

0530: Circle up at the AO with rest of the pax.  Disclaimer.


  • IST x 15 IC
  • Windmill x 10 IC
  • Cotton Picker x 10 IC
  • Slow Prison Squat x 10 IC (down on 3 count, up on 1)
  • Slow Merican x 10 IC (down on 3 count, up on 1)


Kettlebell Rounds

Round 1:

  • KB Swing x 10 OYO
  • KB Goblet Squat x 10 IC
  • KB Full Curl x 10 IC
  • KB Overhead Press x 10 IC
  • KB Lawnmower x 10 OYO (each arm)
  • KB Skullcrusher x 10 IC
  • KB Upright Row x 10 IC
  • KB Squat to One-Arm Press x 5 OYO (each arm)

Intermission – Low Flutter x 20 IC

Round 2 – Repeato Round 1, adding 5 reps per exercise (except the last – YHC audibled to save himself the shame of calling for but not being able to complete 10 one-arm presses with his left arm)

Intermission – Low Flutter x 20 IC

Partner Rounds

Partner up.  Same or similar size KB, if possible.

Round 1:

  • P1: Farmers Carry both KBs around stack of coupons halfway down parking lot
  • P2: WWII Situps AMRAP until P1 returns
  • Flip-flop

Round 2:

  • P1: Farmers Carry both KBs around stack of coupons
  • P2: Apolo Ohnos AMRAP until P1 returns
  • Flip-flop

Round 3:

  • P1: Zamperini one KB around stack of coupons
  • P2: Offset Mericans (left hand on KB) AMRAP until P1 returns
  • Flip-flop

Round 4:

  • P1: Zamperini one KB around stack of coupons
  • P2: Offset Mericans (right hand on KB) AMRAP until P1 returns
  • Flip-flop

Mosey to Park Benches / Playground Area with KBs

Round 5:

  • P1: 10 Pullups IC
  • P2: Step-Ups on Bench with both KBs AMRAP until P1 returns
  • Flip-flop

Round 6 – Repeato Round 5

Round 7:

  • P1: 10 Knee-Ups IC
  • P2: Touch-that-Butt (your own, not your partner's) on Bench with both KBs AMRAP until P1 returns
  • Flip-flop

Round 8:

  • P1: 10 Knee-Ups IC
  • P2: Alternating One-Leg Lunges on Bench with both KBs AMRAP until P1 returns
  • Flip-flop

Mosey Back to Parking Lot

Round 9:

  • P1: Run around stack of coupons
  • P2: Alternating Plank Rows with both KBs AMRAP until P1 returns
  • Flip-flop


  • Homer to Marge x 3 and hold for….
  • Low Dolly x 15 IC
  • Homer to Marge and hold for….
  • Low Flutter x 15 IC
  • Mason Twist x 20 IC

Recover, recover.


  • The pax requested and received a fly-by from the Odyssey runners.  A large group that could be heard before they turned the corner into the AO came flying past initially.  One minute later, a solo Mortimer came screeching through, leaving flames on the road behind him a la the DeLorean.  He was cruising.
  • The three mile #Standard must have shaken something loose inside Dingo's dingo, Gracie, because she made a deposit in the grass beside the pax during Warm-o-Rama that YHC could have whiffed from his home 2 miles away.  The deed was done just as the Odyssey pax were making their way through the AO, causing YHC to initially wonder whether one of them had brought the stench into the AO.   Indeed, Gracie was found to be the culprit.  YHC thinks Gracie's F3 name should be Triumph ("For Me to POOP On!")  Seriously, though – that was one ripe deuce.
  • YHC was planning to work in some bear crawls, but audibled out of that after accidentally leaving his gloves in the car.  Being Q has its advantages.
  • Auto observed that the bench seats were mighty low for Touch-that-Butt, and decided to complete his Touch-that-Butt reps on the end of the bench table, but then claimed that, due to their size, only Clydesdales were eligible to complete the move in that manner.  First Clydesdales get their own shirts, not available in smedium pax sizes.  Now they've got their own exercise mods.  What's next, pull up bars that the smedium pax can't reach?  The joke's on you, Clydedales…YHC can't do one of those anyway.
  • Thanks to new MQ The Count for allowing YHC to lead the pax today.  #TheCauldron has become one of my favorite AOs to visit, and I'm glad to see that the numbers have been solid lately.  Hope to make it back here soon after my March marathon.  And great to see SweetC, Bob Ross, Amen, JimmyO, and others becoming regulars at this workout.
  • Thanks to the Goatbusters and Birkdale crew for the support this morning, and thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH in June 2016.  It was awesome having both of you there this morning, and I'm forever grateful for your having introduced me to this group.
