Dingo’s favorite route at The Berean

Event Date

Nov 26, 2018


A pax of 4 met on this mild November morning for The Berean. Various options were discussed between Eeyore and YHC (Murph, run w/ pain, blockwork), but everyone ultimately decided to go on a group run.


Over the bridge, up Northcross Dr, and back to Birkdale Village via Devonshire for approximately 4 miles. Apparently Dingo has run this route several times recently…unfortunate for him it is one of the 2 main run route options launching from the Bdale Sbux.



Based on one of Paul’s writings from The Bible…more specifically, the New Testament. But for real, the group discussed Colossians 3:21 and picking battles. Where do we pick our battles (home, work, etc)? What battles are worth fighting? What battles are best left alone?

It was a great run this morning. Dingo and 9 Lives both followed up huge long runs this weekend and are looking more than ready for the Huntersville Half in a couple of weeks. Eeyore busted out a great run, as well, after taking some post-BRR time off of running.

Thanks to those who made it out today…it always makes for a good start to the week.