Dirty Air

Event Date

Mar 06, 2018

Five men made it out on a surprisingly rainy morning which was contrary to the iPhone forecast from the night before. While they were originally came in search of Dirty Air, we audibled accordingly


Front skip, backwards skip, karaoke x2, SSH, TS and Cherry Pickers

The Thang

Iron sharpens iron, but with it being pollen season, we can’t risk compromising the respiratory system by exercising in the rain. And off to the shelter we go!

Deck of 52 cards (sans jokers) freshly shuffled by Pinky.  Value of the card = the number of reps to do for the exercise

♦ Diamonds: ‘Mericans, Face cards = Diamond ‘Mericans

♠ Spades: Squats, Face cards = Jump Squats

♣ Clubs: LBC’s, Face cards = Freddie Mercury

♥ Hearts: Burpees

Any Ace:  One Lap around school (1/3 mile)


  • Dirty Air workout that was originally planned has been deferred to a later date on account of weather

  • Rare is the one who can produce flatulence “in cadence”

  • Job market strength has lessened drug screening of prospective employees. This also applies to screening of 8th grade field trip chaperones

  • By my unofficial count that was a total of 90 mercans, 90 squats, 90 LBC’s and 90 burpees

  • Really good people watching opportunity outside of the Rib Shack in Gastonia. Remember to be discreet

  • Flu season is finally on the way out which allowed Pinky to make a guest appearance. Pollen season still an issue

  • Oktoberfest’s taint of the Pax continues. Why should we even bother to do two reps when the 2 of a suit comes up. Is this really the legacy he wants to leave?

  • Good call to bury some of the aces at bottom of the deck for the end

  • Q pushed hard to get thru the whole deck

  • Strong work men!