Dirty Dozen

Event Date

Mar 28, 2018

Modified from a January workout I Q'd. I recall vivdly that morning as the PAX was small, the ground soaked yet still frozen. Today was a different story … We had a solid 12 brothers and the condittions were darn near perfect. 

Warm Up

20 x IC copperhead squats

20 x IC windmills

20 x IC monkey humpers

Parking lot lap and end at block station

The Thing

Partner up with Block ~25 yards from partner. Partner A completes exercise and duck walks to partner location, Partner B completes block exercise and lunge walks to partner location. Once you have finished each round quadraphilia to top of the hill and hold plank for last pax

20 x Block Sit-ups and 10 x Dr W’s

20 x Skull crushers and 20 x merkins

20 x Full curls and 10 x body builder burpees

20 x Trifecta and 20 x ISWs

20 IC count x Hold block overhead and 20 x hold squats

20 x around the world and 10 x Burpees

20 IC count x Hold block out from chest and 20 staggered merkins (10 right forward / 10 left forward)

Time Permitting partner angel down unders

Hit time so we need to mosey back


Rucks off but used as weight during mary (no weight then arms extended)

20 x IC Low flutters

20 x low dollys

Rucks up

20 x Mountain climbers




Hebrews 4:12-13 NIV


“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.”


Keep yourself in check by going to the word often.


  • Pax kept in check during Indian run with a call of halt to allow YHC to make his way back in front #NotMyFirstRodeo
  • Spork’s incessant complaining this morning makes us wonder if we have a FiA mole.
  • A few secrets were shared
  • #SaveClark’s***** ,rest up brother as we need you pushing us to be better #DisclaimerProvided
  • A few ruckers this morning despite knowing that the workout was not going to be ruck friendly
  • Boone is hopefully joining the ruck crew