Dirty Dozen Pick up the Six

I usually find myself bringing up the rear during most of our workouts, so it is somewhat intimidating to take the Q and lead these gladiators into battle, But we are all called to lead, so here goes:

Mosey to the Colosseum. DISCLAIMER.

Warm Up:

Imperial Stormtrooper x 15

Windmilll x 15

Mosey to next corner.

SSH x 15

Cotton Picker x 15

Mosey to next corner.

'Mericans x 15

Mosey to next corner

Mountain climbers x 15

Mosey to next corner.

Squats x 15


Sufficiently warmed up, The Thang:

Mosey to the Johnny Fly zone.

20 step-ups OYO

Dips x 15

Decline 'Mericans x 8


Mosey to Dora, with Caesarly interpretation:

ROUND 1: Partner runs while their partner does LBC's

Round 2: Carolina Drydocks

Round 3: Forward lunge

Mosey to Rock Pile

The Curl x 10

OH Press x 10

Bent over row x 10

Skull crushers x 10

On your six, press x 10


Mosey to flag, Pledge

Back to launch point for Mary: Mason twist, 'Mericans with hand release, W's and Rosalita.



Always an honor to Q this fine group at this wonderful AO. Everyone was very kind, although I did hear it from the Pax when I cut off Decline 'Mericans at 8 – otherwise it was about to be changed to skullcrushers for me!

YHC called out for a rather lengthy DISCLAIMER. But hey, a lawyer's gunna lawyer! 

Tried to complete the trifecta: Q, Prayer and pick up coffee at the Coffeeteria, but somehow my card didn't "take" and Einstein swooped in and beat me to it – thanks Einstein!

Omega apparently didn't like his rock, flexed on us and split it in two. Can't take him anywhere.

Discussion afterwards was wide-ranging, from golf, to the high costs of college, to the rental market in Mooresville. Outlaw called out Oyster for being "the problem" when it came to the proposals for waiving college debt. 

YHC borrowed part of my prayer from one that Lonestar used – basically thanking God for his blessings. I am truly blessed to have you men in my life, thank you for this opportunity to lead you in the Gloom!

P.S. Omega is hosting a get together at Boatyard Eats Thursday night, good to see things returning to normal!