Dirty Dozens

Event Date

Feb 21, 2020


The Warm-up:

  • SSH x 12
  • Imperial Storm Trooper x 12
  • Dwight Schrute's x 12
  • Windmill x 12
  • Toy Soldier x 12

The Thang:

  • Kettlebell Swings x 12 OYO
  • Full Curls x 12 IC
  • Skull Crushers x 12 IC
  • Arm Press x 6 each arm IC
  • Lawn Mowers x 6 each arm IC
  • Shoulder Touch Merkins x 12 IC
  • Partnered up – Partner 1: Chest Press x 12, Partner 2: LBC's, switch
  • Burpree x 1
  • Run the stairs and back around the ramp to kettlebells
  • Repeato of all exercises above, eliminating the last exercise each round until we eliminated them all, therefore total counts were:
    • Kettlebell Swings x 96 OYO
    • Full Curls x 84 IC
    • Skull Crushers x 72 IC
    • Arm Press x 30 each arm IC
    • Lawn Mowers x 24 each arm IC
    • Shoulder Touch Merkins x 36 IC
    • Partnered up – Partner 1: Chest Press x 24, Partner 2: LBC's, switch
    • Burpree x 1
    • Run up the stairs and back down the ramp to kettlebells x 8
  • Mary
    • Dot The I, with kettlebell
    • Low Flutters

Today’s moleskin is a game of “guest who”.  Answer correctly via below comments and win a prize:

  • One of the pax was in all Cotton
  • One was looking for extra meaning in the number of reps
  • One did not require any warm-up exercises
  • One should not spend time on the Internet
  • One has a secret fascination with marble racing

Thank You Snake Eyes for taking us out.  And Thank You Ultraman for the privilege of leading this fine group of men.