Disaster relief

Event Date

Feb 08, 2022

Warm up, 

Try to match up with equal kettle bell weight-(disaster in a word, sorry for the difficulty in clearly communicating the plan.  Also, we had 7 people with bells of 6 different weights…wtf, didn't see that coming…)


Move to portico- yes it was a portico, now you know

Mosey to pull-up bars, stopping 3 times on the way for 5 burpees, 10 pull-up, 3 stops on the way back for 5 more burpees each. 


Signal bell: 20 Swings, 20 skull crusher, 20 lawn mower-10 each , 20 single leg deadlifts-10 each  


Partner up. One parter does kettle bell exercise with 2 bells of same weight.  Other parter does other exercise and switch.  Used a Tabata timer

2 Rounds, 10 exercises each round, mosey for 2 minute rest I’m between 2 rounds

Curls-lunge walk 


Chest press-Mountain Climbers

Bent over row-crunches

Clean and press-Side Straddle Hop



W with Bell

Mason twist with bell

Solo leg throw downs

Jack Knife Crunches
