The fine men of Denver converged at Beatties Ford Park today to start the new year off right.
50 Side Straddle Hops IC
20 Mountain Climbers IC
20 Windmills IC
20 Imperial Squat Walkers
Merkins (5 More Style) (or 3/2/10 more….)
A quick jog to the end of Ranger Island and back (1.5 ish miles)
Plank>10 Wobbly Squats>10 Dips>Plank
Disc Golf
Hole 1- 10 Burpees per throw
Hole 2 – Wheel barrow is the means of transportation>Lunge walks
Hole 3 -10 Carolina Dry Docks/10 Jump Squats per throw
Hole 4 – Piggyback ride is the means of transportation
Freddy Mercury
V Ups
American Hammer
Dying cockroaches
2 Peter 3:9
The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
Never to late to be a better Man/Father/Friend/Christian/Brother/Person/Neighbor
-Nice turnout. My guilt trip email must have worked.
-When Sonar arrived late I was worried it would ruin the SVU being late joke but do not fear. Metro shows up at 0730.
-Lots of bitching complaining from the PAX when they had to run.
-Wobbly squats were quite interesting. Wish we could do those more often.
-Golf course may have been 50/50 mud and goose crap but who could tell the difference it all smelled so bad from the sewer station or was the Cheetah?
-I believe the same team won all four holes but who was counting…
-Nice AO. Perhaps we should return sometime.
-Pleasure to lead men. Enjoy your day.