Disclaim early

Event Date

Jun 28, 2023

It had been a hot minute since I Qed so it was time.  A pleasant surprise to see Lego and Turncoat rolling back from a standard around 5:24.  More rolled in.  We had some regrettable attrition as we lost one pax who will remain nameless before we ever got going.  We started our warm up mosey at 5:30 and rolled past the nameless’s car to pick him up, he said nosebleed and remained in his car. I quickly started the disclaimer to try to mitigate our risk but not exactly sure how that all works, probably should have asked Turncoat to advise, if a pax is there in his vehicle and starts to bleed before taking any instruction from the q but it is 5:30 who is responsible?

I digress, Firescout quickly, and when I say quickly I mean HE WAS COMINF IN HOT! Rolled in and replaced our lost pax.  

We did the disclaimer and warmed up in a circle with all the favorites: side straddle hops, windmill, arm circles, mountain climbers.  As far as I could tell, everyone was very satisfied with the warm-up. We then ran to get our blocks and started some thing like the following:

 30 Curls, squats, skull crushers, block swings, chest press with low flutter.  we then ran to the other end of the parking lot and back.

 24 Curls, squats, skull crushers, block swings, chest press with low flutter.  we then ran to the other end of the parking lot and back.

 20 Curls, squats, skull crushers, block swings, chest press with low flutter.  we then ran to the other end of the parking lot and back. Through into mountain climbers for everyone since we were already planking  as you always do when waiting another pax.

 16 Curls, squats, skull crushers, block swings, chest press with low flutter.  we then ran to the other end of the parking lot and back.

Partner up:

Partner one and people share partner to lunge walk to the second basketball goal and back and switch.

partner one does praying mantis on the wall while partner two runs to the other end of the parking lot and back, and switch.

Partner one plank all the other partner ones walks almost to the second basketball goal back and switch.

we were about out of time, so we mosey back in a few very exercises as called by the packs, and then recovered recovered.

Appreciate the chance to lead such a great group, appreciate the guys showing putting out a good effort and for Estwing to let me do it.