Disclaimer: Always start with the Disclaimer!

8 dedicated, hard-charging Mad-Sci Pax posted for their Wednesday workout

Just the facts, ma’am: (or, pretty close, anyway)
Mosey ‘round the property, stopping briefly to allow Popcorn to recover from a good  fall into a deep hole.  Lucky he didn’t break or tear anything.  It’s all that recent cross-training that’s made him so tough.
Disclaimer given late.  That’s a no-no!
Circle-up for SSH X 25
Plank Jack X 25 (yes, on your elbows)
SSH X 25
IST X 25
THE ‘Merican Push-up X 25
WWII @ 25
Mosey to the top deck
Slow Squat @ 25
Decline ‘Merican X 15
Incline ‘Merican X 10
Down the stairs to the field
Cack-a-lack-a-choo-choo 3 time through
Mosey back to the top deck  
Shoulder-touch ‘Merican @ 25
Jump-Tuck Burpee OYO @ 10
Parker Peter X 15
Down the stairs to find some blocks
Block ‘Mericans @ 15
8-count burner @ 10
The Full Curl X 15
Return your blocks and mosey to the field
Partner-up and wheelbarrow across (sidewalk to sidewalk) flap-jack and come back
Mosey back to the top deck
Hand-release ‘Merican X 15
Quarter-turn Jump Squat @ 20 OYO
Alternating LBC X 25
Down the stairs to the field
Circle up for MARY
Dying cockroach
Little Baby Extension
Jump-tuck burpees @ 10 OYO
Naked Moleskin:
1. Thanks for posting this morning, gents.  This was a strong group of men!
2. Although we didn’t find any gas on our little tour, we did spend some fuel getting there.  Moses counted 1.47 miles.  Perrier got to 1.5 But we know Perrier is the real runner in this group.  
3. Popcorn seems to be getting the bug to go in for some ultra-events.  That’s all he can talk about anymore.  I’m out- just sayin’, not gonna happen.
4. Moses must have thought he saw some young ladies walking down Old Statesville, as he feigned an ant attack and felt the need to strip down.  Clearly a cry for attention.
5. Bagboy continues to outpace and outperform some of us “younger” folks- you never fail to impress.
6. Liger was overhead giving marketing advice on the warm-up run.  I get the feeling that guy has it all figured out.
7. The Force was practically begging for some block work.  When he got it- he crushed it.  Thanks for the inspiration on that- I didn’t realize there were blocks on site.
8. Carpetbagger’s truck load of iron went unused today, but I knew it was there for a back-up.  Stay healthy and take care of yourself, Bro.
9. Finish the week strong, Boys!