Discovering the Satelites

Event Date

Dec 11, 2023

3 pax with 3 Q’s. No Q on the docket so we each took 15 minutes and did something with it.

0529 Mater was scared that he was going to sad clown. 0530 and Clark pulls in. 0530:30 an a mysterious white van also pulls in. This turns out to be Travolta.

Mater took first dibs leading us through a COP of various old man exercises. Then 2 laps of pearls on a string. 1/2 mile run followed by 2 moves. Another lap and 2 more moves.

Clark takes over with some hip focused moves of heel touch on the steps and fire hydrants. Proceeds to head onto Clubber Lane. where we meet a loose dog. Not liking loose dogs (YHC) we Omaha back to the parking lot. Sprint about 200 ft, mosey 200, then sprint again. Al Gore for 30 seconds, 20 step ups. Lunge walk a lap around the flag pole. Mosey some more, then a couple more moves and pass it over to Travolta.

Travolta leads us on some more runs with lots of burpees then down the steps for some wall work followed by 6.5MoM of various ab moves

Reflection on worry Matthew 6:25 NIV
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about our body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more then clothes”

Carryover from 3rd F nation call… What’s been hard for being human this year for you? It’s a good question to find out what we need to pray for each other for. Everyone had something. And everyone was prayed for.

Prayers up for Sparrow who had eye surgery last week just couldn’t see himself working out today. He will miss a couple of weeks.