Is it true that distance makes the heart beat harder? I can’t speak for everyone, but my heart rate was elevated this morning. 13 PAX kept their distance and swung some bells. Here is their story
Warm Up
Moroccan Night Club, Windmill, Toy Soldiers, Side Straddle Hops, IST & Pickers
The Thing – Reps of 16
Kettlebell – Squat, Bent Over Row, Curl, Upright Row, Overhead Press, Skull Crusher, Chest Press with low flutter – 16
Swing 16, Run, Squat 16, Run, Swing 16, and Squat 16
Burner 16, Run, Burpee 16, Run, Burner 16, and Burpee 16
Lawn Mower Right 16, Run, LBC 16, Run, Lawn Mower Left 16, and LBC 16
Squats 16, Run, Lunges 16, Run, Squats 16, and Lunges 16
Wall – Peoples Chair, Air Press, Touch them Heals
Kettlebell – Squat, Bent Over Row, Upright Row – 10
Stapler-WWII Sit-up, Mayhem- Negative Curl, Bagboy- Low Flutter, Landline- Slow and Low ‘Merican, Deep Dish- Rosalita, Callahan- Homer to Marge / Scissor Kicks, Soprano- Blast off ‘Merican
Awesome bunch of guys today. We kept appropriate social distances. Shaken gets a gold star for distance and isolationism.