17 studs for short travel around A.O. I was told they’re 4 pax doing standards so I decided to change a few things and wait for the standard crew. No man left behind.Warm O Rama: 15IC Windmill, 10IC Front Jumping Jack Squat, 15IC Mountain Climber Yosemite, Omega and Metallica arrived the AO. Where’s KidRock? Oh well, We Zamperini infront of former Madelyns coffee The Thang: Kettle BellDecline plank position (Yes, there were steps in front of the building) Pax did 10 IC right arm Lawnmower then switch 15 IC Seated Shoulder Press ( someone said ” This is much better) YHC, wait for it15 IC decline chest press while pax feet on 2nd stepsWe moved to Cowboys Peoples chair with Kettle bell Shoulder Press 15IC Zamperini to Guard rails10 OYO One leg Squat20 OYO KB SwingRepeatoZamperini to hilly grass ( We’re about to get wet) blame it on Blackbeard. All pax line up facing the hillFrog Hop with KB up hill, 20 OYO LBC (4 or 5 pax opted to do Squat with KB, you know who you are)Walk back down hill(Disclaimer, wet grass) Quadriphilia with KB up hill, 20 OYO Upright RowAll pax lined up for KB throw down. Right arm first, throw your own KB forward as far as you can ( Disclaimer, nobody move until all pax has done throwing KB)left arm throw KB forward as far as you can.Now that your back and your KB is wet. So what. We do stupid stuff.Kid Rock comment ” I threw my kettle bell MUCH further than Soprano’s KB” This is not a race or contest but distance matters.Zamperini back to AO parking lotEach pax start at the end of parking lot line. OYORound One: Defense drill forward & back, 10 KB SwingDefense Drill F and B, 20 KB SwingDefense Drill F and B, 30 KB SwingRound Two: Side Steps over the line, 10 Full CurlSide Steps over the line, 20 Full CurlSide Steps over the line, 30 Full CurlRound Three:Side Plank right then left, 10 Skull Crusher Side Plank R then L, 20 Skull Crusher Side Plank R then L, 30 Skull Crusher Mary:Pillow Talk 10IC each side by BagboyFreddie Mercury 10IC by Metallica Bellskine:I was shocked 16 pax showed up this morning. This is the highest number in all my #Manmakermonday Q. I’m humbled. Excellent work men. I honestly can say this is one of the best AO and crew. TClaps to 4 standards this morning. BRR is 4 months away. I can smell the mountains/hills.Thank you Thorpe, Huckleberry, Yosemite, The Force, Oyster and Samsonite for coming to #MMM. Now, let’s get you sign up for Fission. let me know what date works for you.Blackbeard doesn’t believe me I was there so next time I’ll bring my selfie stick.Sauce was OOT and he can’t believe Kid Rock showed up kettlebell workout. You know why? Metallica EH him.During the defense drill, Metallica and KR (I think) did a chest bump. I was jealous Jazzhands wasn’t there.HatTrick comment ” make sure you stick out your chest” Big Thank you to Omega for allowing me to Q. Bagboy Thank you for taken us out on prayer.Titan Out!